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Shoddy Billbboard Rehabilition Project

The Problem:

"For a fact, I'm not a lover of the billboard, either, though it has nothing to do with bras. Sorry, Mr. Munden, but it is pretty shoddy and not exactly in keeping with any efforts to make our town look better."
Marshall News Messenger
Latham: Padding truth won't get support in city's bra battle
April 23, 2006

The Solution:

Upgrade the billboard to a level that the entire city can be proud of. We want the entire community to participate. At the end of this project we want every citizen to be able to show the billboard to their out-of-town friends and say "I made this beautiful sign possible."

We don't see this just as a billboard upgrade. We see it as an example of what can be accomplished through the synergy of a private organization as well as the entire community.

You can start the process by making you contribution today. Be the first on your block to contribute. Be the first to receive your appreciation gift. Act now!


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You may contribute to the rehibitation effort by selecting one of the options below:
All contributers will be listed on the "Shoddy Billboard Rehabilitation Project Appreation Page" on this website

Contribute $1 and you receive: A personal email from Billy Bob Ray, Director of Billboard Media
Contribute $5 and you receive:
A personal letter and photo from Billy Bob Ray, Director of Billboard Media
Contribute $10 and you receive:
A 8 1/2" by 11" photo of the Shoddy Billboard "BRA sign". Can be framed as 8"X10" or 8 1/2"X11" to preserve the memory.
Contribute $100 and you receive:
Billy Bob Ray will kiss your feet and you will get 10 days of free Day Ads.