The Lone Star Eagle:                                                               Board of Directors, Signal Publishing LLC:

203 West Austin Street                                                             Mr. Hal Cornish          Mr. Jim Davis

Marshall, Texas 75670                                                             Mr. T. D. Howell          Mr. Vernon B. Lewis, Jr.

                                                                                                Dr. Orin Littlejohn      Mr. Chad Sims



My letter to you on February 12 warned you about publisher Vernon Lewis' pattern of making false claims against Caddo Lake Institute, me, Don Henley and other community participants. These claims included demonstrably false charges: that CLI was spending money  for political campaigns, or misusing grant funds, or was involved in lawsuits against utility companies, --and even that CLI was a “front” for a United Nations “takeover” of Caddo Lake and other Texas waters, or seeking water rights in order to sell them, etc, etc. 


Ten months ago I notified you about this Lone Star Eagle campaign --of "bearing false witness" about the Caddo Lake Institute and its colleagues -- and that it would be the subject of further communications. This "false witness" reference was a perhaps too subtle reminder of your publication's oft-stated public claim that it is based on Christian principles. I was specifically referring to the Ninth Commandment's injunction: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."


That letter also reminded each of you of your special responsibilities --for truthfulness and duties to correct erroneous publications-- because  "community newspapers, especially in small communities, assume a special responsibility of being the ‘witnesses of record’ to the life of their communities and the reputations of those they report about. Their holding themselves out as bona fide, professional news organizations gives them a special credibility, because the public assumes that they emulate the standards of their peer news organizations." Basic journalistic rules require checking with me before making claims about me or my stewardship, and withholding publication of potentially defamatory claims. In our case, these basic rules have been consistently violated by your paper.


Thus, on December 1, 2005, the Lone Star Eagle published yet another editorial, signed "VBL," which contained numerous false and defamatory statements. These were made either with actual knowledge of their falsity, or in reckless disregard for normal practices that would provide both truth, not to mention journalistic balance.  This editorial stated in a variety of ways that CLI has engaged in potentially fraudulent and improper conduct in the use of federal grants, buttressing these falsehoods with the assertion that an IRS "investigation" had now "widened into a full scale IRS audit."


These charges are also false, irresponsible and malicious .


THE CADDO LAKE INSTITUTE IS NOT NOW, AND HAS NEVER BEEN THE SUBJECT OF AN IRS AUDIT. I am the custodian of the financial records of the Institute. I would be the first to know. No IRS audit has occurred. Not as to the use of grant funds. Not as to the use of any other Institute funds. Not for any other reason. Not in the past. Not today.


Lewis's defamatory false witness campaign started soon after CLI joined other local residents in refusing demands, by Lewis and the City of Marshall, that we sign a contract to permit new Marshall water diversions of Caddo Lake water for sale to a power plant. We refused because the contract did not contain adequate protections for Caddo Lake.  We urged the City to pursue other options, which we pointed out.  The City could have purchased water from Lake O' the Pines and sold it to Entergy at a substantial profit.  The City could have sold its own treated wastewater, as Longview wound up doing. Current low-water conditions at Caddo Lake, and throughout the Big Cypress watershed, offer first-hand




proof that our concerns for the lake's health during dry periods were well founded.


We also became a target of Lewis’ malicious campaign because CLI supported more than 200 lake residents who sought a court order to require a state water agency hearing on the matter. This position has been vindicated by two courts.


On numerous occasions, Lewis announced, publicly and privately, that he would "ruin" CLI as an organization and "ruin" me personally.  He has made every effort to do so - and you, his fellow publishers of the Lone Star Eagle Weekly continue to permit him to use the paper to knowingly print his false information.  Thus, you share responsibility for his libelous conduct.  Lewis' most recent claims - anchored to the lie that CLI is undergoing a full-scale IRS audit - are the most insidious yet.  They are intended to impugn and damage CLI's agency relationships and its programs, and to injure the hard-earned professional reputations of the individuals involved.


CLI’s reputation and agency relationships are extremely important. Thanks to the assistance of many local individuals and organizations, CLI has earned an exemplary national, and international reputation for its locally based scientific watershed and wetland protection programs. Many appreciate our successful natural science eco-tourism development programs –as engines of economic redevelopment for Caddo Lake and its neighboring communities. The Institute is also well regarded for its success in forging close and productive working and financial relationships between our local communities and key state and federal resource management agencies, as well as important non-governmental organizations.


My personal and professional reputation and integrity are also important to me, and indirectly to CLI.  After almost 15 years of service to Caddo Lake and its communities, I am in the process of retiring from active leadership of the Institute.  If you fail to comprehensively correct this false witness campaign, I now can and will invest the resources needed to hold accountable this malicious and irresponsible newspaper and board members who permit its continued misconduct to go uncorrected. 


Not only must you correct you paper’s published reports, but also those that are apparently being communicated secretly to agencies.  For example, you may be implicated in publishing falsehoods to agencies. On December 1, Lewis wrote that your paper has "known for some time that the Internal Revenue Service was investigating the CLI's use of government grants."  Are your paper’s representatives secretly repeating these falsehoods to the IRS or others for the purpose of causing unnecessary audits or investigations? Is Lewis claiming that you have contacts in the IRS who will go after your perceived enemies? This would be a serious violation of federal law. If so, secret falsehoods and the identity of those involved can be redressed along with resulting damages if judicial intervention becomes necessary. It is in your interest to also correct secret defamation while you still can.


Enough is enough.  We will exercise every legal option to protect our hard-earned reputations and exemplary governmental relationships -- by holding accountable those who seek to undo the CLI's good work by printing or even secretly communicating false and malicious information.  We have retained for this purpose attorney Richard Ellison, of Kerrville, a former Caddo Lake second homeowner, who will help us take the next steps.