Bird banding at Caddo Lake

The bird banding is lead by Dr. James Ingold [E-mail: jingold(at)], professor at LSU-Shreveport. A table is available showing numbers of Birds Banded (by month) by Dr. Ingold in the Caddo Lake area from October 1993 - May 2003. The list below offers links to detailed reports (and photos) of our bird banding efforts since November 20, 1999. Details about our banding efforts prior to that date are available upon request.

The Walker family farm (just west of Caddo Lake near Jefferson, Texas) has hosted bird banding activities since September 1996. So far, 129 species of birds have been recorded here, and 67 species have been banded, including Henslow’s, Grasshopper and Le Conte’s Sparrows, as well as 11 additional sparrow species, and 14 warbler species. From March 2000 to March 2001, approximately ten acres of hay meadows here produced a surprising 16 Henslow's Sparrows.

Driving Directions to Walker Farm: From Marshall, Texas, drive north on TX 43 past the State Park and across the bridge over Big Cypress Bayou. Approximately three miles north of the bridge, across from the turn-off to Carter's Lake on your right (FM 805), you'll turn left (west) on Boots Walker Rd. Follow Boots Walker Road west for about a mile, and turn left (south) on an unmarked dirt road. This road is across Boots Walker Road from two mailboxes (and just beyond the mailboxes, Boots Walker Road curves sharply to the right). Drive south on this unpaved lane to the house.

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