Reunion: May 5-6, 2006
next reunion 2011

We did it!
Thanks to Harriett for all her hard work.

Photos from the Reunion

There are four sets of photos from the reunion you can see each set by clicking below:

Friday Night

Saturday Night Set 1

Saturday Night Set 2

Saturday Night Set 3


Gary Evers suggested that Classmates share memories over the next 60 months. I think that is a great idea. After reading the first one I decided I would try to capture them on this webpage so people can review them from time to time. Unless I hear an objection I will begin capturing the stories from the emails.

Submitted by: Barbara Pilcher Chaffin -- 5/24/06

I have always wondered who let the snake out in biology class!  It came sliding down the cabinet towards me. Of course everyone jumped up and scattered.  Who will own up to this deed today?     

Submitted by: Margaret Banks Oberender -- 5/22/06

I can't remember if this was junior or senior year. I (Margaret Banks) sat next to Jeanette Brooks in Typing I with Mr. McKeel. One day when Jeanette's was using the electric typewriter, she was having some kind of problem. Mr. McKeel came over, stood in front of her and bent down to see about the problem. Somehow his tie got caught in the roller, and Jeanette pressed some key that started rolling up his tie and pulling his head down. We nearly fell out of our chairs laughing that day!

Submitted by: Lad Moore-- 5/18/06

Hi group, sorry I missed the party, but I do remember some tales.

In the heat of the summer of 1960, a group of us guys assembled at "Anheuser
'Point" on Caddo. This was a popular hangout for this bunch, usually on Friday

Dennis Martin was the 'President' of the club, owing to his size and having
voted himself in by acclimation.

It was a ritual for each of us to climb a lone rock chimney--the only
structure remaining from a long-destroyed cabin. Sitting atop the fireplace, one must chug a beer, and drop the bottle down the flue just to watch it break in the old hearth. I suppose it was like other rituals, requiring almost no coaxing to
participate. But we usually followed Dino's suggestions, since he offered them up with such physical punctuation. We agreed that his were all wonderful and grand ideas.

That day, Lloyd Faircloth was first up. He climbed to the top and assumed
his perch as he had done countless times before. Just as he tipped the bottle to his lips, he let out a shriek and leapt from the chimney. A young man soaring without wings, he soon landed in a brush pile and began swatting at his bottom furiously.

No, not your sissy honey bee, or relatively mild red wasp. Back then, we
called them Yeller Jackets. They ranked right in there with buckshot.

Submitted by: Margaret Banks Oberender -- 5/18/06

One of my favorite memories happened in 11th grade English with Mrs.
Hughes. Judy Bearden sat beside me (alpha order, or course). One spring
day, Mrs. Hughes had a bowl of pansies on her desk. She was busy
lecturing and sat on the corner of her desk -- right in the bowl of
pansies. She never missed a beat in the lecture, but walked over near the
windows and wrung out her skirt. Judy and I heard water dripping and
thought she had surely wet her pants. We got so tickled we almost fell
out of our desks.

Submitted by: Gary Evers -- 5/17/06

I will begin with a memory of one of our favorite classmates, Charles McIntyre.  I had the great pleasure of rooming with Charles for more than two years at SFA.  Charles was one of the great guys in the history of the world.  Charles had a grin that reminded me of the Cheshire cat.  That grin went from ear to ear, and Charles almost always had that grin on his face.

When Charles ate crackers, his mouth also went from ear to ear.  I was entertained for hour on end watching Charles eat crackers spread with most any kind of spread.  Charles would take a Hi Ho, Ritz, or a regular saltine, put some spread on it, put the cracker on the tip of his tongue,and, like a frog, flick that cracker into his mouth in a flash.  It was gone!!!  I have never seen anyone swallow crackers whole like that.  Charles would grin, and I would laugh.  You might think that it didn't take much to entertain me back then.  Still doesn't.  Send us an e-mail of your favorite memory  See if we still can't be entertained with those memories.









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