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Opinion: Why are people afraid to speak out -- submitted by Tom Allin
Many of us have more than once asked, “why are people afraid to speak out, make recommendations, run for public office, work to make Marshall a better place to live, etc.?”

I have the answer. Pick up a copy of the September 15 copy of the Lone Star Eagle. I have lived and paid taxes in eleven different cities lived in seven states and the District of Columbia. I have been a subscriber and reader of each city’s daily paper and alternative, minority or weekly papers (it was part of my responsibility to know what the community was thinking).

As many of you know I am a registered Republican and a conservative – I grew up in Barry Goldwater’s state of Arizona and worked as a teenager on his election campaigns. I am not a liberal and therefore have a bias against most papers for being too liberal.


Many of you have heard me say, “Read the Eagle, it presents a different side of the story. One must know both sides of the story before making up their minds.” I apologize forever saying these words. (Just last week I took the time to walk into The Eagle and tell Bill Keith I thought his “Buy Marshall” was a great column.) The Lone Star Eagle is a hate mongering newspaper that puts to shame white or black supremacy, racial or religious baiting, etc. rags and those who believe in facts and freedom of expression.

The Eagle attacked Phil Latham and the Marshall News Messenger for printing an Editorial that was based on the facts from a report from the Texas Comptroller’s Office. The editorial that Phil wrote was approximately 270 words. Less than half the editorial questioned why MEDCO did not present a line item budget. The following day Phil in a prominent place within the editorial page noted that he had made a reporting mistake based on a Texas Comptroller’s report. (What the City never stated was did the line item budget meet the criteria of the Texas Comptroller’s Office, did the City not provide the Comptroller’s office the correct information, or did the Comptroller’s office make a mistake.) Phil’s main trust was long term planning – something every company and the military does but apparently MEDCO does not believe is required to be successful.

The hate-attack reply in the Eagle was approximately 625 words not including a letter to the editor with statements like:
Unwarranted attack
Echo chamber for every anti-Marshall group in the area
Always seems to be on the wrong side of just about everything
Side with those people who are against the people of Marshall
Tear down all the good things that MEDCO is trying to accomplish
Opens its news and opinion columns to anyone who wants to take a shot at MEDCO

It is certainly a mystery why Mr. Latham is on the wrong side of just about everything related to the people of Marshall

In summary, The Eagle is stating if you have a recommendation for how to make Marshall better – you are against Marshall. If any news media is open to different view points these view points are wrong and should not be allowed to be printed because we, the owners and editor of the Eagle, know better – whatever happened to the Freedom of the Press or Freedom for an individual to Voice an Opinion? If I remember, Adolph Hitler, Stalin and other communist dictators, etc. all agreed with the Eagle that opposing opinions should not be allowed and therefore eliminated.

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