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YIR -- When Buck Rogers Lied to Santa -- by Lad Moore
By far the greatest amount of feedback we get is on Lad Moore’s stories. This definitely ranks him as our Most Popular Writer. To read more of his stories just go to the article archive and type in “moore”. You will see a list of article containing Lad’s stories.
I walked out of the Lynn Theatre in my hometown in complete awe. I had just seen the most spectacular movie ever—so realistic that it would still frighten me a week later. Four men left Earth in a rocket ship bound for the moon. As they cleared the Earth’s clouds, the movie changed from black and white into Technicolor. The space men wore brightly colored suits, each a different color to identify their role on the mission. To repair cosmic damage during the mission, they donned bubble helmets and a backpack, and tethered themselves to the mother ship to prevent floating away into space. I did not know it then, but the imagination of that day was a precursor to real life.

The space travelers were also armed with ray guns. I had seen the guns before, because Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers each had one. They were awesome weapons—capable of dissolving anything in their beam. The gun made a noise like the hum of a fluorescent bulb, followed by a pop similar to today’s bug-zapper.

Carrying ray guns along was good planning, because in the movie the moon was inhabited by more than rocks and dust. Indeed, it was a repository of misfits from around the galaxy—banished there for crimes on other planets too despicable to tolerate. No two demons were alike, and the only limits to the creation of their horrid features were the imaginations of Hollywood science fictionists. I would not again see such a smorgasbord of beauty-challenged creatures until the nightclub scene in Star Wars I.

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