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Opinion: Economic Impact of Caddo Lake National Wildlfie Refuge
Submitted by: Henry Bradbury

I thought you might find the attached document from US Fish and Wildlife of interest, as it clearly demonstrates the very positive economic impact National Wildlife Refuges have on area communities.

US Fish and Wildlife has high expectations for the Caddo Lake Wildlife Refuge due to its proximity to Dallas and Houston, and its large variety of experiences that it will offer.

I encourage you to review a map of the refuge, its location on Caddo Lake and the specific site that is being proposed for industrial development. It will be surrounded on three sides by the refuge, and as a result, will not only lessen what the refuge will be able to offer, it will handicap the Refuge in reaching its full potential - and as a result, lessen its economic impact.

It is in Marshall's best economic and community based interests to support the full development of the refuge as planned. The City of Uncertain, and the Caddo lake Chamber of Commerce have taken official positions in support of the full development of the refuge, and against the proposed industrialization of the refuge.

Should the Marshall Chamber elect not to support the refuge and/or be supportive of the proposed industrialization of the property, this will have a long term adverse affect on the two communities ever joining forces to provide a synergistic approach to tourism. Jefferson has established a very favorable working relationship with the lake community, and is using this much to their economic advantage.

Look at it another way: What would the Chamber have to spend/invest to create $26,000,000 in tourism sales? The Lake, the State Park, and the Refuge are economic gifts to Marshall and Harrison County.

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