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YIR -- Opinion: Billy Bob Ray throws his weight behind Congressman Gohmert
Thank you Congressman Gohmert for protecting us from the Arts This story received more hits than any other story diuring 2005. The first day after the story was posted the site received 19,000 hits. On days 2 and 3 the site received 17,000+ and 15,000+ hits. A typical day is under 3000 hits. This makes the story the most popular story of 2005.
When John Ashcroft resigned and they removed the blue drape exposing Lady Liberty’s nickey pies, I thought this country had lost its moral compass. After reading (see attached) Congressman Louie Gohmert’s letter I am convinced we are moving in the right direction again.

The following paragraph is inspiring.

“Artistic expression is very important to preserving our nation’s culture and heritage. It is important to promote the arts, but we must be cautious not to provide funding to programs that promote immoral and indecent principles. As a Representative of the First District of Texas, I will strive to encourage artistic expression while at the same time guard the values of our country.”

The Congressman has it right. Art in the wrong hands can lead to trouble.

A case in point is Corporate Crime. A review of the backgrounds of all the Senior Managers that have been sent to prison for fraud shows that 97% took at least one art course in grade school and 18% played in the high school band.

On a personal note, my road to the Big House led through an Art Museum.

One day after a Van Gogh binge, I decide to steal the money from the donation box at the museum in order to buy some beer. When I arrived at the 7-11, I was still under the influence of art so I decided to stick-up the place and just take the beer and money. This was the start of a life of art-induced crime. I often wonder where my life would have taken me if I just would not have walked into that art museum.

I support the Congressman’s move to guard the values of the country by reducing funding of the arts.

The viewing of inappropriate art can lead to one putting their personal interests above the good of the country and excesses. It is good to cut funding to the arts. Besides it will help pay for the pork in the Highway Bill.

Thank you Congressman Gohmert for protecting us from the Arts.

Billy Bob Ray

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