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Opinion: Karnack revitalization claim a farce
Submitted by Robert Speight Jr.

Some in this county want to put an industrial park on part of the former LHAAP property. They make claims that sound real good in the media. Their pet catch phase is “REVITALIZATION”

They want to return the area to its former glory! Shouldn’t a place have at one time BEEN vital before it can be RE-vitalized? Let’s ease back in history a bit, shall we…

Yes, at one time, Karnack had a movie theater; a barbershop, furniture store, and a large general store all conveniently located next to a rail line. A lot of other small towns were the same way. This was before our extensive highway and interstate systems existed. Then, along comes the Army, and starts building an ammo plant. Most of the farmers parked their tractors and sold their mules and went to work for Uncle Sam. Their sons and daughters went to work there as well. A lot of them lived a good life and retired from Longhorn. If you add up all the Karnack people who ever worked there, they would only account for about 5-10% of the peak workforce in Longhorn!

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