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Ray Leaves ETTO; Accepts Management Position with Pole Dancing International
Las Vegas-based Pole Dancing International announced today the signing of Mr. Ray. Mr. Ray will function as the East Texas Event Coordinator. He has also been tasked with setting up a permanent facility in East Texas. Pole Dancing International’s Expansion Director said that the company has decided to locate in Marshall for several reasons but proximity to the Country Music Hall of Fame in Carthage and Music City Texas in Linden was a major factor. Now Marshall will have “The Pine Pole,” a facility dedicated to pole dancing. This could become the entertainment triangle of East Texas.

Mr. Ray said he hates to leave ETTO but he felt this was a job he could get his arms around. He said he will personally interview and audition every dancer before introducing them to the public.

He said that he is currently working with an unidentified realtor to find a location for the entertainment facility. He said when in full production he expects to employ over 50 workers. These jobs will pay well and include a benefits package.

Mr. Ray expressed regret that the old firehouse on the Square was torn down. He said “I remember that pole on the East wall. It would have been a perfect placement for center stage.”

Billy Bob said he would like to locate downtown but he has not ruled out locating in the Industrial Park. He said that he hopes to meet personally with the MEDCO Board Chairman and obtain MEDCO money for this project. Because the facility will have a mechanical bull room, Mr. Ray believes it qualifies for an industrial rating. He said he just feels that the Chairman and he will hit it off and make a deal.

Mr. Ray also said that he plans on meeting with the Director of Tourism. He said that he expects the Pine Pole to become a big tourist draw. “Just think – if we have the Courthouse, The Marshall, and the Pine Pole located on the Square we can provide entertainment for the entire family.

Finally Billy Bob expressed a desire to team up with the Wonderland of Lights. He said “Now that division 3 pole dancing competition requires a lighted pole for the indoor phase of the competition, our shows compliment the Wonderland of Lights.” Mr. Ray went on to say “I can see it now--a tour bus full of tourists view the lights of Marshall and as the final stop they unload at the Square and get a good look at the lights at the Pine Pole. We think this can breathe new life into the Wonderland of Lights. Everyone will be talking about it!

Mr. Ray said that is in the future (3 months from now). For now his job is to locate talent. He said that finding good pole dancers is hard work-- really hard work. But he is committed.

He said that he knows that there are lots of closet pole dancers out there. Now is the time to come-out. Consider a career change. All interested parties should contact Mr.Ray at: BillyBob@mmmsys.net.

Take a look at photos of the first contestant. Listen to the audio clip to gain a better understanding of the sport. Just click below.

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