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Marshall 4th celebration set
By JULIA ROBB, Special Projects Editor MNM

A new activity will begin every 30 minutes during Marshall's Fourth of July celebration Monday on the square, according to spokesmen for the all-volunteer Fourth of July committee.

Organizers will kick off the celebration at 6:30 p.m. with the watermelon-eating contest. The event – the winner is the valiant soul who eats the most slices – lasts 90 seconds.

At 7 p.m., sweet tea contest judges will begin sipping the cold stuff. The winner will be proclaimed Marshall's premier sweet tea maker for 2005.

On-lookers will be invited to have a glass of iced tea as long as it lasts.

Contestants should bring about 2 quarts of tea and their own ice.

At 7 p.m., the water balloon toss also begins. The team that throws their balloons the furthest distance wins.

At 7:30, organizers will begin measuring how far contestants can spit watermelon seeds. The current world record is 66 feet, 11 inches!

At 8 p.m., judges will measure who has blown the biggest bubble for the bubble gum blowing contest. Organizers will provide the gum.

At 9 p.m., a major motion picture starring Will Smith, one that features an alien attack, will be shown at the corner of Rusk and Washington Streets. Bring a blanket, lawn chairs and the whole family.

During the celebration, all food and drinks will be sold for a quarter, including hot dogs, popcorn, Blue Bell Ice Cream and snow cones. Families are also encouraged to bring picnics.

Hay rides will be ongoing until dark and children are encouraged to have their faces painted.

Bring cards and/or letters for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and organizers will collect them in a box and send them off.

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