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Another Look at the numbers: Williams 303 and Allin 255
The numbers reported by the Marshall News Messenger in their Sunday article about Mr. William’s election victory were a little confusing. It gave Mr. William 252 votes and Mr. Allin 170 votes and then said the difference was 48 votes.

At first I thought they were using some form of new math. Actually, the final vote count was: Williams 303 and Allin 255 – which is a difference of 48 votes.

We believe that the MNM was trying to make a very important point with its numbers. The number they used were the numbers at the end mail-in and early walk-in voting.

It shows that because of low voter turnout the election was really decide before election day.

Another interesting number – if you count the vote of people that actually walked into the polling place to vote – on Elections day or early voting – Mr. Allin would have won. The mail-in machine made the difference.

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