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Help Bring Change to Marshall
Harrison County Elections Administrator Pam Brock hoped more would take advantage of early voting. They did not. The turnout is still extremely low, she said.

"I am disappointed in early voting in both elections," Ms. Brock said. "I've done everything I knew to do to let people be aware that an election is going on and it's important."

She's used several media outlets including the newspaper and radio to let voters know about the importance of the election. Ms. Brock thinks the reason for the low turnout is people don't realize the elections' importance.

Up until now one media outlet that has not been fully used is the Internet. It allows each of us to become Ms. Brock’s assistant. Anyone that wants to see change in Marshall can help.

By clicking below you will see a list of the active voters in District 2 that have NOT voted in early voting. We defined an active voter as one that voted in the last Presidential election. We did this to allow you to focus on the more likely voters and keep the list manageable. Even so, the list contains over 1200 names.

Please encourage these people to vote. This election is too important to be decided by dis-interest.

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