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Do Your Part to Increase Voter Turnout -- Get People Off -- The List
Harrison County Elections Administrator Pam Brock hopes more will take advantage of early voting before it ends Tuesday. The turnout is still extremely low, she said.

"I am disappointed in early voting in both elections," Ms. Brock said. "I've done everything I knew to do to let people be aware that an election is going on and it's important."

Here are a few numbers to prove this point for the District 2 City Commission race. There are approximately 3200 registered voters in the district. In the last Presidential election 1700 of them voted. To date only 309 have voted in the City Commission race. That is about 10 percent of the voters and 18 percent of the active voters.

Some of us agree that voting is important. Ms. Brock has been busy encouraging people to vote. We want to do our part and take a little different approach. Since the election in District 2 is important to all of Marshall, everyone should assist in getting out the vote. We are promoting a grass-roots effort to get out the vote.

On Wednesday we will publish a list of all the registered voters in District 2 that have not voted. If you care about city government, review the list and take action. Call, meet with, or take anyone on the list to vote. Become active in city government.

Keep your eye out for "The List" on Wednesday.

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