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Smoking ordinance hearing draws crowd
Majority of those speaking out favored ordinance
By SANDRA CASON, News Messenger

A City Commission hearing on banning smoking in and around all public buildings in Marshall evoked strong sentiments on both sides of the issue Thursday night.

Commissioners will vote on the ordinance at a later date.

Proponents of the issue pointed to health concerns and ran the gamut from citizens who suffer from asthma to a physician with Texas Department of Public Services in Austin.

Opponents were business owners and a local realtor who said the ordinance would have an adverse economic impact and would put them in the business of policing their potential customers.

Dr. Phil Wong gave a 12-minute Power Point presentation which tracked economic data from cities, such as Austin and El Paso, showing sales in restaurants and bars do not decline with the passage of no-smoking laws.

"This is a public health issue," Wong said, comparing it to laws which require food purveyors to use refrigeration and mandating that employees in such establishments wash their hands.

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