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Wiley College Upward Bound Program to Host 16th Summer Program
Marshall, TX-The Wiley College Upward Bound Math and Science Regional Center will host its 16th Summer Program June 3, 2006-July 12, 2006.

The summer program will service 63 ethnically-diverse eligible high school students in region six which includes the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana and Texas. The Upward Bound Math and Science summer residential program consists of six weeks of "simulated" college experiences. Participants are required to stay in the residence halls and receive rigorous instruction from college professors in four core-curriculum content areas coupled with study hall, hands-on science research and water quality research. Each participant will receive a minimum of 100 hours of classroom-lecture instruction, 30 hours of science laboratory and field research instruction, 40 hours of experiential learning activities and over 40 hours of recreation or social enrichment during the six-week summer residential component.

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