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EXTRA EXTRA -- Price Check on Aisle Three-Does Advertising Work?
Part 1 By: Phyllis Bailey

Let me start out by saying, "I do not like the Harrison Central Appraisal District- (HCAD)." I don't know any of the employees that I have dealt with, and don't even know their names. I just dislike the entity as a whole because most of the employees I have encountered are rude. Saying you don't like the HCAD is rather like saying you don't like the IRS. They are an entity you are forced to deal with and the reasons are most times not pleasant.

A few years ago, I had a problem with delinquent taxes, and the amount due was questionable I worked with my banker to resolve the problem. She made me a bank cashier check and when I went in to pay them, I took issue when the young lady at the window was rude to me and in a voice, I felt was too loud, discussed my business in a way that everyone in the building knew my business. I walked out.

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