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Destination Development, 'Please, City of Marshall, don't disband the task force
when their work is just beginning'

Several weeks ago during a special meeting between the City Commission and the Tourism Task Force Steering Committee, City Manager Frank Johnson said that Destination Development was going to provide an Action Plan and suggested that the City Commission should re-evaluate the need for the Tourism Task Force to continued in operation since that was envisioned to be one of their responsibilities. He also prepared paper work, which if acted on by the Commission would have relieved the Task Force Project Manager of his responsibilities.

Mr. Johnson never consulted the Task Force concerning this matter prior to the meeting and the first time the Task Force and the Project Manager were aware of his suggestion was when he presented it to the City Commission. Therefore, the Task Force was unable to seek Destination Development's input prior to the meeting. Based on the email from Destination Development, which is included in this article, it is clear that Mr. Johnson did not consult with them either.

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