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Opinion: The Emperor's new clothes -- Chapter 127 - submitted by Jay Webb
To borrow a line "I read the news today, oh boy". To read that one of the foremost business people, chosen by the City of Marshall, to re-charge and bring life back to a town on life-support, has resigned, was sad and disappointing.

Even more surprising was that he has resigned from two other Boards that he was "chosen" to be a leadership member. Personally, I have known Ron Munden for only about 4 years. He moved back to his native home after retirement, and I chose to move here after my retirement. Both of us are here for the same reasons, the community and the friendships, and a chance to be part of doing something right for the community. Ron chose to be in the forefront of the communities' revitalization and in doing so, opened his life to public display.

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