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Latham: The strange case of the missing sense of urgency

Words are cheap. I'm living proof of that, having written a few million of them and they haven't cost me much  mostly just the loss of a full head of hair.

But we all know how easy it is to say something and how tough it can be to actually do. I've been going to lose weight for about the last 30 years and, while I've managed to do that once or twice, a quick glance and you can determine that my success rate isn't so good.

Want to know what is even easier? When you make a statement that doesn't even apply to your situation. I don't smoke, so I think all those people who do ought to quit immediately.

Just do it, I want to say.

This is the same phenomenon that makes people who've never been parents know for sure they could do the job much better than those who have three or four tykes running around.

So it is no great surprise to me to hear the latest tactic to stop changes in tourism development in Marshall goes something like this:

There's no rush, no hurry, no reason to act quickly.

You should pay close attention at just who is saying this, because it makes all the difference in the world.

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