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Speak Back 7062: The World According to Billy Bob Ray
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Surprise, surprise, our city commissioners have done it again. First they pay tourism consult a large amount of money for their expertise, then table the first recommendation the consultants make. Then, the accounting department goes after two of the best-run and most successful museums in town for not having a special account for grant money. Stonewall and obfuscation. Is there any end to the methods used to protect one person and the Chamber of Commerce? Just how dumb do you think the citizens are?.

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They probably think the citizens are very dumb. The old guard has been getting away with this for years. In the Big House the saying was "If you scratch my back "I'll scratch yours." That applies to the old guard also.

On a positive note. Last years the city wasted (loaned) the Chamber (MFI) $60,000 to buy a bunch of displays with burned out lights. This year they are only wasting $50,000 on a consultant that they are not going to listen to. See --- things are improving!

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