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Delayed --- Questions delay approval of tourism firm's CVD recommendations
By ROBIN Y. RICHARDSON , News Messenger

The Tourism Task Force Steering Committee decided Tuesday to delay its approval of two Destination Development's recommendations concerning the Convention and Visitors Development office.

The tourism development company has recommended that the CVD be moved out of the Greater Marshall Chamber of Commerce and that a Convention and Visitors Bureau, a non-profit with a board of directors, be created.

"I think it's worth seeing what the cost is," said committee member Steve Carlile. "I think we owe it to everybody to see how much the cost is."

Questions that will be asked include: What will the estimated cost be to create the new organization? Did the firm include an organizational structure in its final plan? And, if so, does the firm have a draft of that particular part in the plan that can be provided for the committee to view?

"We'll get Destination Development to answer these. Then, Monday, we'll reconvene and discuss their answers," project manager Ron Munden explained after the meeting.

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