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Stop the Coal Rush!!
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(Austin, TX) - A coalition of Texans from all walks of life is mobilizing in support of a moratorium on permitting a rash of coal-fired power plants that are seen as posing major air pollution and pubic health problems for the state. Legislation calling for such a moratorium was filed in the Texas Legislature on Wednesday by State Rep. Charles 'Doc' Anderson (R-Waco) as House Concurrent Resolution 43. The coalition of Texans fighting the coal plant permits - which includes doctors and medical associations, religious communities, rural farmers and ranchers, retirees, environmental groups, and local officials - applauded Rep. Anderson's filing of HCR 43 and pledged to mobilize their groups and other Texans to secure its passage. [See HCR 43 attached to this document and the press conference online www.house.state.tx.us/media/welcome.php ]

Citing health and environmental concerns including global warming, the coalition of over 30 groups announced today that a Stop the Coal Rush Rally and Lobby Day will be held at the Texas State Capitol on Sunday and Monday, February 11 & 12. Participating organizations [See the list below and view updates as it grows - www.stopthecoalrush.com/participating-organizations/. ] are swinging into action behind the mission of gaining broad, bi-partisan support for the Time Out! called for in HCR 43.

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