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Latham: A few rejected brand names we won't see from consultant

A few weeks ago, local videographer and all-around raconteur Will Avery made the suggestion in jest (I think) that Marshall simply change it's name to Mars Hall and that we all begin to call ourselves Martians.

That, he reasoned, would surely help us get tourists, or at least press. Who wouldn't read a story that was datelined "Mars"?

Marshall is abuzz these days with people trying to think of a "brand" for our city, which, in turn, should help with tourism.

We've had quite a few called in to this newspaper, most of them either sarcastic or attempts to be funny.

I imagine some folks have been offended by the humor at Marshall's expense, or think maybe we shouldn't have printed some of those facetious "brands."

Well, balderdash. I'm guessing here, but I'd wager that deep within the secret offices of Destination Development, the guys who are the pros at this have already tossed out just about every funny, improper and irreverent idea possible.

We'll never hear that presentation. Those ideas would not have been recorded, or, if they were momentarily, they've long since seen the shredder blades. That's a shame because I'm sure those rejects would be a hoot.

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