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Consultant says city needs to find its niche
By BRIDGETTE R. OUTTEN, News Messenger

Marshall can't be all things to all people as a tourism destination, so the city should pinpoint a specific lure to pull visitors to the city, Destination Development, Inc. President Roger A. Brooks told area community leaders and business owners at a workshop Thursday afternoon.

"Find your niche and promote it like crazy," Brooks said to the crowd, smaller than the one Wednesday night at his first impression assessment workshop, but which still filled a meeting room at East Texas Conference Center.

The next step to move forward for Brooks and Marshall's Tourism Task Force Steering Committee is to analyze input from Marshallites on ideas to find that lure and promote it, through a process called branding.

"What do you want to be known for and what would you like to see that would make this a greater town for you?" Brooks asked, noting that if locals aren't happy with the town, visitors won't be either. "Not just tourism; This is about community, it's about much more than tourism."

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