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Opinion: Why aren’t the managers held responsible? Submitted by Ron Munden
A recent article in Speak Out stated:

I am amazed that no one at either the chamber or the city is held accountable. When either organization screws up they just say, “Oh well, they messed up again.”

I agree with the writer. During the 5 years that I have been back in Marshall neither the Chamber’s CEO nor the City Manager have been held responsible for a single “screw up” and there have been many “screw ups” to choose from.

Both managers have offered lame excuses and the boards that keep them in power -- blindly accepting their actions.

I have gone through the report prepared by City Finance Director Lisa Agnor on the Chamber’s use of Convention and Visitor Development funds. After reading page after page of questionable transactions and unanswered questions, I can only conclude the Chamber’s handling of CVD funds was “fiscally inappropriate”. I don’t think anyone could disagree this the statement, “The Chamber record keeping was completely unsatisfactory.” It is difficult to believe that both the Chamber Board and the City Commission don’t feel that someone should be held responsible for this “screw up”.

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