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From MNM -- Latham: Wishful thinking just isn't good enough anymore
By Phil Latham
Sunday, November 19, 2006

The results are in and the vote is unanimous.

Well, almost.

When I suggested in a front-page column Wednesday that readers could answer a short survey on whether certain practices undertaken by the chamber of commerce in expending Convention Visitor Development were fiscally responsible or fiscally irresponsible, I didn't really expect more than one or two people to respond.

After all, I didn't give an address, fax or even telephone number. I was expecting people to take a mental exercise, not an actual test.

But on Friday morning, I had more than 50 of the surveys that had been turned in, four from the owners of downtown businesses, all of whom just walked over to hand them to me.

And all of them said the same thing: That the practices undertaken by the chamber in its management of CVD funding were financially irresponsible.

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