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Opinion: Do Caddo Lake Protection Advocates Know What They Are Talking About?
submitted by -- Jack Canson

In a recent article for ETTOL called “The Lady and the Priest” Julia Robb offered some personal commentary and observations regarding Caddo Lake protection advocates.

Although I am sure Julia meant no harm by her remarks, I am compelled to respond – as an individual, not a representative of any group or organization.

I spend a great deal of time among people she is talking about – and, I guess, I am one of them.

She describes us as a “faction” whose cause is saving and protecting the lake and who “believe everything the business-minded do – regarding the lake, or city government and anything else – is motivated by power hunger and greed.”

Sorry, but that is an inaccurate description of the people I have worked closely with for five years – lake residents and non-residents alike. We are not anti-business or anti-city government. In fact, most who are active in Caddo Lake protection efforts are business people. They range from folks who run billion dollar businesses to owner/operators of Bed & Breakfasts and Mom & Pop stores.

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