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FEEDBACK -- What Our Readers Think

November 27, 2007
Rating: Excellent

Best: The truth is always spoken on this site.

Comments: To resolve the problem the city and voters as an entity should get a new City Manager that wants whats best for the city of Marshall and not cater to the desires of a few select individuals.

Comments:Your article on "city staff" stated what everyone everyone knows but is afraid to say.

Keep up the good work!

Rating: Excellent

What do you like best about the site?

Honesty in reporting and not trying to "pat backs or massage egos"


Thank you for your honest reporting about how our city management works, or should I say rules. It has been that way for years and I see little hope of it really changing. Everyone should know by now that our mayor (and I use the term loosely) is not interested in the improvement of Marshall and is far too concerned with his own new life to focus on our City. The City Manager has very little if any vision for what Marshall could be and they could all use a dose of getting out and about to see what could be done in Marshall.

November 22, 2007
Comments: Ron, The slide show was terrific. So many times (because my computer is slow and old) I don't receive most of this stuff. Your photography is outstanding. Regards, Shirley
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