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Opinion: Separate Convention and Tourism from the Chamber -- by Richard Moore
I have no desire to destroy an East Texas, self-made legend, or jump onboard the “Put Down Express.” What I would hope would come of all the expose of how taxpayers’ monies are spent is just the truth.

I am so tired of saying we must have separation of the City and the Chamber of Commerce. This just may now happen and it is way too many years in coming. I have never understood driving ambition or the blind following of individuals. After 16 years here, I still can see how this town could be, but a whole new mindset must come about. People must not be afraid to speak out. I am so sick of using the word “fear” but it is rampant. What makes a coward? I believe it is the lack of self-esteem. The select few seem to have the ability to control the masses or at least the few hundred who will get involved, write checks, and the oh-so-important volunteers. They will do the dirty hands-on work and the credit floats to the top.

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