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Chamber of Commerce CEO Connie Ware Says Patsy Dreesen Claims
Are Without Merit
In a telephone interview on Tuesday, August 29, Ms. Ware said that Ms. Dreesen’s claim concerning the misuse of CVD funds is false.

Ms. Ware also said Ms. Dreesen’s statement about the meeting between Ms. Dreesen and her concerning the abolishment of the CVD Director position is false. The meeting never happened.

On another issue -- Ms. Ware also questioned my comments added to the line items in the CVD budget. Ms. Ware indicated that my comments were inaccurate and that the $18,000 paid to the Chamber included much more than a desk and internet maintenance. I ask if she could provide clarification.

Ms. Ware agreed to provide a set of written comments that addresses both of these issue. I said that if the comments were provided by 10AM on August 31, they could be included in the Thursday newsletter.

Those comments have not been received but they will be printed in their entirety once they are received.

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