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Opinion: Marshall needs to save Words & Voices for many reasons
Submitted by Ron Munden

The August 16 edition of the Marshall News Messenger contains a story – “A modest plan that might help save Marshall’s Words & Voices.” I want to comment on that story but first ---

Mr. Latham’s story and an earlier story I did mentioned the outstanding work that Christi Wright has done on W&V. We both failed to recognize others that worked equally as hard.

Mr. Grady Lee worked with Ms Wright to get W&V started. He served as the opening act numerous times and I know that he wrote checks out of his personal account several times when the crowd was too small to meet the performers’ minimum.

Rod and Deb at Central Perks also spent many extra hours at the Weisman Center setting up, cleaning up, etc., to ensure W&V could continue. And yes, they also wrote checks out of their account to the performers.

Christi, Grady, Rob and Deb all need to be thanked for their efforts.

And now back to Mr. Latham’s comments.

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