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Chamber Member Questions the Focus of the FOCUS
Marshall Chamber of Commerce, ex-officio Board Member Phyllis Bailey has submitted an article to the Chamber titled “Marshall Chamber of Commerce Needs to Get Priorities in Order”.

Ms Bailey’s article states:

“Friday evening Connie Ware sent out her weekly Chamber Focus Newsletter. It is my opinion that the number one topic on the newsletter should have read, Chamber Welcomes 108 New Members, and each new member should have been listed by name. However the main topic of the newsletter was a Who’s Who of republican politicians soon to be visiting Marshall. The number two topic of the newsletter was the fact that Republican Headquarters will be moving. Buried at the bottom of the newsletter, with no priority was a slight, “ thank you membership event workers”. I find this unforgivable, and knowing the routine, will not accept the excuse we were going to send it out in a later edition, or it was an oversight.”

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