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Commissioner Katie Jones Chastises City Manager Frank Johnson
-- submitted by Phyllis Bailey, Staff Reporter

Earlier this week EastTexasTownsOnline.com reported that City Manager Frank Johnson failed to get back with commissioner Katie Jones on her request for a condensed version of the rules of the Open Meetings Act, that he promised to produce in a few days, after a meeting in his office on March 31st of this year.

I attended the meeting with Mr. Johnson and City Attorney Todd Fitts, and Commissioner Jones in the City Managers office. Also in attendance were Ron Munden, Henry Bradbury, Tom Allin, and George Carter. Ms. Jones requested the meeting on behalf of the citizens, when questions arose after a recent City Commission meeting addressing the Open Meetings Act in closed Executive Session.

At the close of the meeting it was the groups understanding, as well as that of Commissioner Jones, that the City Manager would get with his staff and produce a document of one and no more than two pages and get it to Commissioner Jones within a week. The condensed document would be easier to read and interpret, and would serve as a guideline for the city’s boards and committee’s to work and function while abiding with the requirements outlined in the more lengthy version. To this date no such document has been produced.

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