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A Day Lily
The blossom of the day lily at the left, Hemerocallis fulva, was photographed on a plant growing in Texas. However, day lilies are not native American plants. They originated in Asia and were introduced in America because they are so pretty and survive here very welll. In fact, day lilies do so well that sometimes they grow as "weeds," as the plant in the picture is doing.

Day Lily blossoms display typical lily flower structure, as described on our Lily page. In the picture above, the single white, slender object projecting into the top, right of the image is the style, with a tiny stigma at its tip. Along with the style, six stamens emerge from the flower's center. The picture at the left shows a cross section of the same flower. Here you can see that the ovary sits at the bottom of the slender, cylindrical corolla tube.

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