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Image Watch 001: The dirty story about the corner of N. Washington and Rusk St.
Last weekend many members of the Class of 1961 were in downtown Marshall. Over half had returned to Marshall after being away for many years.

Generally, the comments about Marshall's revitalization were very positive. However, many people approached me and remarked "This town is so dirty".

Some said that the citizens of Marshall need to be aware of how outsiders view our town.

An eyesore, a large dirt pile on the curb outside the Weisman Center was pointed out to me last Friday. I checked the staus today, and almost a week later it is still the same. I do not know who dumped it there, nor do I have any idea when "they" plan to clean it up.

May 13 is Second Saturday and we hope many vistors will be in town.

I, for one, hope they don't get to see this dirt pile or the trash mixed in with it.

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