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Opinion: Bras and Property Rights -- submitted by Tom Allin
I don’t get it. I thought Marshall, Texas was the champion of Property Rights or the “I can do what ever I want on my property no matter how bad it reflects on my neighbors or city” philosophy.

I own the property so:

· I can leave a rusting pipe column and sign for two years at the main intersection of Marshall and who cares.

· I can put up a six foot chain link fence with barb wire and who cares what it does to the neighborhood’s property values.

· I can open a business; ignore city regulations on trash containment, and who cares.

· I can bow hunt within the city limits where children walk, run and play and who cares.

· I can put in a storage facility (on Bishop St.) in a residential neighborhood and who cares.

· I can destroy a neighborhood with my slum rental units and who cares.

· I can collect my fire insurance, leave a burnt out house for children to explore and be hurt and who cares.

· I can burn trash in my yard while my neighbor’s child suffers from asthma and who cares.

· I can let my grass grow high and bushes or trees block sidewalks and who cares.

· I can store damaged or wrecked cars on my new car auto lot for every visitor to Marshall to view and who cares.

This is the property mentality of Marshall. Maybe I will buy some property across from the people above or a City Commissioner’s house and return the favor of a “property rights” view from their front window.

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