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MNM Editorial: The complicated process of politics
A “senior administration official,” whomever that might be, said Sunday that President George W. Bush had, indeed, declassified parts of a prewar intelligence report that eventually led to the document being leaked to the press and, then, to the name of a CIA operative being made public.

Understand that?

Don't feel ashamed if you do not. In fact, perhaps you ought to feel better if you don't “get it.”

It is simply the machinations of Washington politics spinning, ever spinning.

But, the meaning behind it all – or so we are led to believe – is that at least it shows that Bush did not violate the law himself if – and the if is apparently a big one – Bush actually asked Vice President Dick Cheney to get the document leaked.

The administration says it did no such thing, which was perhaps a little refreshing to hear after officials waited three days to respond to reports that Bush did ask for the leaks.

This selected de-classification is in no way against the law because the president can declassify virtually anything. It might be called as a bit sleazy by some, but we would just call it politics as usual in Washington, D.C.

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