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Industrial park – dead in the water
By SANDRA CASON, News Messenger
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An industrial park near Caddo Lake is dead in the water following Tuesday's split vote by Harrison County commissioners.

The court voted 3-2 for "the immediate transfer of the remaining property at the former Longhorn" Army Ammunition Plant for the "sole intention of the Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge and its use and enjoyment by the public."

The motion was read into the record by Precinct 4 Commissioner Jeffrey Thompson. Precinct 1 Commissioner Jerry Lomax seconded, with Precinct 2 Commissioner Emma Bennett voting in favor.

Dissenters Judge Wayne McWhorter and Precinct 3 Commissioner James Greer said the court was making a mistake. "I, personally, think it is one of the biggest errors the county has ever made," Greer said.

When the judge noted the move would be regretted for the next 25 years, Greer added: "more like 50 or 100."

Commissioners nixing the plan said they were voting their constituents' sentiment, a position Thompson alluded to in his motion.

"After the public hearing last night where over 85 percent of the public in attendance voiced their opposition, .... I move that the commissioners court request the Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison and the Honorable Louis Gohmert to remove the temporary hold" and transfer the property to the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Department, he said.

During Monday's hearing, 123 people signed their names and addresses, with 15 noting they favored the Karnack Business Park. That translates to 88 percent favoring use of the entire tract as a wildlife refuge.

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