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County Commissioners’ Vote to Lift the Congressional Hold

County Commissioners’ Vote to Lift the Congressional Hold on Transfer of Refuge Land from Army to U.S Fish and Wildlife Service

At the Tuesday morning meeting of the Commissioners Court, Commissioner Jeff Thompson made the motion to request Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Congressman Louie Gohmert to immediately remove the congressional hold, and ask for an immediate transfer of the remaining land from the Army, to U.S. Fish and Wildlife, for use as a Wildlife Refuge. Commissioner Lomax seconded the motion.

Each Commissioner made a brief statement explaining the reason for their vote.

When it was clear that the motion was going to pass on a 3 – 2 vote, Judge Wayne McWhorter left his seat and moved to the podium so that he could address the Commissioners. For more than 30 minutes, he delivered an impassioned plea to the Commissioners, requesting them to reconsider.

When he returned to his seat, Commissioner Emma Bennet told the Judge that she just had one question. She said, “Why didn’t you ever share your ideas about an industrial park with us before today? Why are we just hearing this?”

Judge McWhorter responded, “ I did – in bits and pieces”.

The vote was taken. Commissioners Thompson, Lomax and Bennet voted for the motion. Commissioner Greer and Judge McWhorter voted against.

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