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A Reader Writes:
I just received the "secret ballot" mail out from Judge McWhorter.

Is it just me or doesn't the fact that the mail out states "Only postcards that are fully completed with your name and address, and post marked by February 17, 2006 will be considered." negate the 'secret ballot' statement?

Granted they are being mailed to the Elections Office, but they will be counted by real people who will have to look at each ballot. And what happens to these ballots after they are counted? Will they be destroyed? Or used to destroy?

Also, it is somewhat disconcerting that the postcard is dated February 13, 2006 and today is February 16, 2006 and they have to be post marked by February 17th! Not very much time for such an important opinion.

And who paid for this mail out? If not the Harrison County citizens then who? Who is paying the Elections office to count these 'votes'? If not the Harrison County Citizens then who? Who has paid Judge McWhorter to produce this 'secret ballot' and did he do it on the dime of the Harrison county citizens who pay him?

One last rant..."Legislative ad paid for by the Wayne McWhorter Campaign, 906 Bergstrom, Marshall, Texas 75672". So this is actually a political advertisement? But "The Commissions' Court wants to know what Harrison Countians think."

Well, I got that out, but I am still confused.

I welcome any logical explanations, hell, at this point I welcome any illogically explanations.

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