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Speak Back 046: The World According to Billy Bob Ray
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After living in large cities and small towns across this nation, I must say that Marshall is the most narrow-minded, self-rightous community of which I have ever been associated. I won't say "been a part of," for Marshall excludes its heart to newcomers. Diversity is now allowed here. So, dear citizens, do not expect grouth or tourism to come anytime soon. Except for the money, you really don't want it.

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It is really not that bad.

On my first arriving in Marshall I stopped and bought a sandwich and ate it in the park. Within 15 minutes I was arrested for vagrancy.

That is the bad part.

The good part is -- they gave me a nice cell with a view.

Editors note: We are building a new jail and that should provide lots of space for housing tourists. A stiff fine should help keep more of their dollars in Marshall.

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