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Opinion: Fool me once; shame on you…fool me twice shame on ME
submitted by Robert Speight

January 31, 2006, a day that started with so much promise has ended in more discourse if that is possible. Finally, I thought, the facts have won over a majority of our county commissioners. The end to a half-baked scheme to grab land for industry in the middle of a National Refuge was coming to a long awaited end. Month after month of asking for a public hearing as Senator Hutchinson requested has ended, an agenda item (#29) is finally before the court to bring this issue to a head. Instead of ending it, an intentionally vague motion by the County Judge appeared to confuse some of the commissioners enough that they voted to POSTPONE a decision until the last meeting in February! No vote to recommend release of the hold, No date set for a public hearing, just more of the same stalling techniques and double-talk that this administration is infamous for.

The Judge, after public raking Sen. Hutchinson over the coals last week, actually thinks he can talk her into supporting this debacle further. Being a savvy legislator of many years’ seniority, I’m sure she has long been able to tell the difference between Shellac and Shinola.

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