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Speak Back 035: The World According to Billy Bob Ray
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Bush’s main goal in invading Iraq was to get Hussein out of power. But after he caught him, he turned Saddam over to the Iraq people and they are against the United States. There is a good chance he will go free and if he does there is a good chance he will be back in control of Iraq. Then we need to look out.

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You have identified a serious problem. Can you imagine what might happen? Once he regained power, he might take hostile action against his long time enemy, Iran. They could begin to fight and we would have a stalemate in the Middle East.

Bush believes in democracy in the Middle East. I am sure the State Department is working to ensure the democratically elected government of Iraq takes power. Then they can establish relations with Iran. I understand the democratically elected leaders of the Palestinian state are already setting up relations with Iran. Just think--they may have a threesome.

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