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MHS Class of 1961 Reunion
Congress and the group planning the MHS Class of 1961 Reunion took a Christmas recess. They are both returning to work this month.

Actually Carol Munden has been keying address labels for the first mailing and Harriett Adams has been penning a wonderful letter that will be mailed to classmates. Ron Munden was in hot standby mode waiting for Carol and Harriett to find a job that they thought he could handle. At press time he remained in standby mode.

We do have some news to report.

· A letter will be mailed out next week.
· The material contained in the letter will also be available online since we expect some addresses to be bad.
· We are building an email list but have only a dozen or so addresses. Please send your email address to “ClassOf1961@MundenExpressions.com.
· Classmates on our email list will receive frequent updates of the planning and can help us save money on postage.
· The reunion will be on May 5 and May 6. Details will be included in the first letter.

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