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Speak Back 006: The World According to Billy Bob Ray
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I had an out-of-town friend come here who used to live here and they couldn’t believe how they’re selling liquor, beer, wine and champagne in Marshall which is considered a Baptist town, is selling as much alcohol as they are. They say champagne has as much alcohol as a jigger of whiskey. People drink, drink, drink and our children see this. It used to be that you could come in and take a beer home, now they’re promoting come, drink, get drunk and be merry.

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It is truly a shame what is happening in Marshall today.

As a child I knew my daddy kept his boozes in the barn, got drunk every Saturday night, had his “flusey” behind the wood pile, and we went to church on Sunday morning.

We must get back to the old value system, otherwise how can we produce the next generation of hypocrites.

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