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Wintry Mix by Lad Moore
On our family farm, the holidays were like the scene in a Christmas cover of The Saturday Evening Post, with a mix of glass and homemade decorations on a cedar tree cut right from the property. Finding just the right tree was a time-honored ceremony in itself. Towing my creaky wagon, Grandpa and I passed up dozens of perfectly suitable cedars until he found “just the right one.” He squished some greenery between his fingers, sniffed its potency, and had me do the same. I gave it my approval. Granny Stell placed the tree beside her chalk Nativity scene, spreading a mat of sewn cotton snow to conceal the simple crisscrossed planks that served as the tree stand.

Much has happened to reshape those once-festive magazine covers, but Christmas Eve in 1949 is still special to this day. We decorated our tree together and listened to Fibber McGee and The Amos and Andy Show on the big Philco. All the shows had Christmas themes that night, but retained their trademark slapstick humor. I remember that The Kingfish got a wristwatch for Christmas, and he wanted to “simonize” it with Andy’s.

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