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YIR -- Painted Ladies Look Longingly at Longhorn Land
Mary Lewis said “I are just a group of mature ladies that want to express ourselves in a little different way.” We have received two very different reactions to these ladies. Many have requested more reports. A few have asked us to remove the articles from the site. This qualifies the “Painted Ladies” as the Most Misunderstood Group”. Warning: If you don’t want to see ladies just wearing paint, DO NOT GO to this article.
It is reported by an unverified source that the Painted Ladies of America are working behind the scenes to nab the remaining Longhorn land for a retreat and convention center.

Many of you may not have heard of the Painted Ladies of America. Until very recently, I had never heard of the group either.

One report states that the organization is a women’s support group that brings fulfillment to the member’s lives, by a ceremonial application of color to ladies’ faces and bodies. It is reported that the organization was established in 1997, by a small group of middle-aged women living in the San Francisco Bay area. While maintaining a low profile, the group has grown rapidly and now has over 10,000 members. There are now 217 chapters located in cities throughout the country. Until recently the chapters were located mainly on the East and West Coast but now chapters are cropping up in the heartland of the country.

Mary Lewis, who goes by her “Painted Lady” name of “Pink Limbs”, was reached by phone. She said that normally the group does not grant interviews but since word has leaked out about their effort to acquire the Longhorn land, the group feels it must now go public.

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