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October 11, 2005
If you are in East Texas, the place you should be at 7 PM Tuesday night (October 11) is Karnack Community Center – for the “NO INDUSTRIAL PARK AT CADDO LAKE” rally. We need your presence and we need your participation.

Congressman Louie Gohmert will not be at the meeting, but he did meet Monday with several people, including two from our delegation, and appeared to be very open minded to the points that were raised in opposition to his intervention in the land transfer to complete the Caddo Lake Wildlife Refuge.

As reported in today’s Marshall News Messenger, there was a frank and open exchange of information and ideas with the Congressman.

I think it is fair to say that those who were at the meeting gained a better understanding of why the Congressman intervened in the land transfer and the Congressman has a better understanding of why we oppose diverting land from the refuge.

"They had some very interesting points to make as we discussed various issues," the congressman said. "Since the former ammunition and rocket facility has so many concrete slabs and walls still in place along with so many asphalt roads, I was interested in how that could ever be much of a wildlife refuge, and they had some interesting ideas.”

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