Sales Tax Comparision for 10 East Texas Towns    
Data source: State Comptrollers Office    
Marshall Kilgore Tyler Lufkin Longview Palestine Jefferson Paris Carthage Nacogdoches Marshall
Sales Tax Rate 0.02 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.02 0.01 0.02
2004 Sales Tax Collected  $               6,092,197.66  $    5,395,591.41  $     28,259,104.17  $    9,176,801.00  $     20,159,976.77  $    4,458,017.35  $     483,552.57  $    5,826,012.31  $    2,323,022.66  $    4,285,282.24  $    6,092,197.66
Taxable Sales for 2004  $            304,609,883.00  $359,706,094.00  $1,883,940,278.00  $611,786,733.33  $1,343,998,451.33  $297,201,156.67  $32,236,838.00  $388,400,820.67  $116,151,133.00  $428,528,224.00  $304,609,883.00
Sales Tax per Capita using 1 Cent Sales Tax Rate    
Marshall Kilgore Tyler Lufkin Longview Palestine Jefferson Paris Carthage Nacogdoches Marshall
Sales Tax Receipts Based on normalizied 1% rate  $               3,046,098.83  $    3,597,060.94  $     18,839,402.78  $    6,117,867.33  $     13,439,984.51  $    2,972,011.57  $     322,368.38  $    3,884,008.21  $    1,161,511.33  $    4,285,282.24  $    3,046,098.83
Sales Tax per Capita using the 2000 Census and 1 Cent Sales Tax Rate
Ranking 10th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 7th 8th 5th 9th 10th
  Marshall Kilgore Tyler Lufkin Longview Palestine Jefferson Paris Carthage Nacogdoches Marshall
2000 Census                            23,935                11,301                   83,650                32,709                   73,344                17,598                2,024                25,898                  6,664                29,914                23,935
Sales Tax Receipts Based on 1% sales tax and taxable sales  $               3,046,098.83  $    3,597,060.94  $     18,839,402.78  $    6,117,867.33  $     13,439,984.51  $    2,972,011.57  $     322,368.38  $    3,884,008.21  $    1,161,511.33  $    4,285,282.24  $    3,046,098.83
Sales Tax per capita based on all Cities Using the same 1% rate and 2000 Census  $                        127.27  $             318.30  $               225.22  $             187.04  $               183.25  $             168.88  $           159.27  $             149.97  $             174.30  $             143.25  $             127.27